Podcast interview tips – Having a successful experience

So you’ve sent out an incredible pitch to a podcast host you follow and you’ve finally heard back. Good news, you’re in! The host has asked you to submit your bio, headshot and key talking points for marketing purposes, which of course you sent immediately (big tip, do these things as quickly as possible!). The host has also provided you with a link to their online calendar to schedule the recording. You responded quickly to that too.

So far so good, now the only thing left to do is the interview itself. Not always so easy…

This is your opportunity to position yourself, or your client, as an expert in your field. It’s important to note that the mere act of being on a podcast isn’t enough to give your reputation that boost. It takes more than simply being featured on a show. It’s an art-form to giving a successful interview that needs crafting. A podcast is subtly different to an interview though, the podcast opens up opportunities to talk about other topics, and your opinion on the current state of affairs, or speculate about the future.

At Action Group we have placed many clients on some of the fitness industry’s leading podcasts and here are some podcast interview tips we’ve learnt along the way.

Build a connection with the host

Most podcasters will schedule a preliminary meeting in order to gauge synergy and to discuss your topic in a little more detail. In some cases this might be just a few minutes before going live to conduct a pre-interview warmup chat. Use this opportunity to build a personal connection with the host.

If you’re unsure why this is something as a guest you need to think about — trust us, it’s important. This is as much of an opportunity for you as it is for the host to suss things out and determine how the conversation is going to go. It will determine whether the conversation successfully takes off and you have an amazing episode together or whether it crashes and burns before you’ve properly started.

So it’s important to take a proactive approach to connecting with the host and establish good rapport. Do your research into the host, make sure you’ve listened to their podcast. What’s their interview style? Do you have common interests? Look for anything that will help to develop quick rapport for an enjoyable conversation.

This will help ensure an engaging conversation that will keep the listeners’ attention. In addition to being featured, a good host will help you promote the episode, could make introductions to other podcasters who might be interested in having you as a guest, and might even send client referrals your way. If you want a shot at collecting these added spoils, then developing a positive relationship with the host and production staff is a must.

Be prepared

It may seem obvious, but make sure you’re fully prepared. Review your subject matter and talking points. Make sure you’ve fully understood who the audience of the podcast is and what you can bring to the table that will be of interest. If you get asked a question that you don’t know the answer to, then it is okay to say that you don’t know.

When it comes to the recording itself, make sure the environment is quiet. Some podcasters record both audio and video formats to leverage multiple platforms. So if you’re doing video, check your lighting, and try and be in a nice quiet room.

Most podcasters will even provide the questions ahead of time. All you have to do is ask the host or producer. Asking for the questions a few days before the show will speak volumes about you as a professional. It shows that you are taking the interview seriously because you’re willing to put in the extra effort by making necessary preparations. It also shows that you value the podcaster’s time which will be appreciated.

Keep it casual and have fun

This is one of the most important podcast interview tips. Remember, you’re the expert speaking on a topic that you know. This isn’t your GCSE history presentation where you were told to research some random historical event from 100 years ago and then speak in front of the class who couldn’t care less about the topic. This is your business. You’re more than proficient in the material and you’ll be speaking to people who are interested in the knowledge you have to share. Take a deep breath, smile, and talk about your area of expertise and the business that you love so much.

Follow these key points to give a successful interview. In time, you’ll develop your own personal style and flow. There’s no need to over-complicate a simple conversation. The podcast host wants to highlight you and provide a platform to share your expertise for the benefit of the listeners. Take initiative to create the best possible outcome. It’s a team effort so work with the podcast host and don’t be afraid to ask for any tips he/she might wish to offer. Show up prepared and ready to go. This will help ease any tensions or feelings of anxiety because you have a plan in place. Speak naturally and allow the conversation to flow with ease. The more you do, the better you’ll become so take advantage of every opportunity to share your expertise.

If you enjoyed our podcast interview tips and need to brush up on your interviewing skills, or are interested in getting your experts on a podcast, we can help. Get in touch at info@action-group.co.uk

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